It is the last day of 2012 and chose to finally get round to my 'How much is your face worth?' post.
I have seen a couple of these posts on beauty blogs and have been trying to get round to writing mine for a while now. All it involves is adding up how much the make up that goes into your everyday 'look' costs? I was a bit scared to do it myself, as i am no makeup expert and never really know the best products to buy. Also i do not like spending more than £10 on single item as i have felt cheaper products can be better than the expensive ones. Basically I'm a bit of a cheap skate.
I have seen a couple of these posts on beauty blogs and have been trying to get round to writing mine for a while now. All it involves is adding up how much the make up that goes into your everyday 'look' costs? I was a bit scared to do it myself, as i am no makeup expert and never really know the best products to buy. Also i do not like spending more than £10 on single item as i have felt cheaper products can be better than the expensive ones. Basically I'm a bit of a cheap skate.
Heres what goes into my everday look, quite alot really.

Rimmel eye pallette £9.99 (no longer available)
Total: £68.33
It really adds
up though doesn't it? Although its not as much as i have seen on other blogs. Thats probably because i hang around the collection 2000 stall rather than the high end ones such as Nars and Yves st laurent. I would like a few of their products though! I should say that I
mostly work from home (full time mummy) and rarely go anywhere exciting so although this my
current 'everyday look' I only wear this amount of makeup at weekends or if i have time before the school run.
I'd love to know how much your face is worth
... leave a comment below.
Gem x
Ahhh! This is great, I never really thought about it. I guess the only thing is that you need to figure out how long the products last because really your face is probably a fraction of that when you divide the product with the amount of times you've used it.... In any case I love the way you look and it's definitely worth it!